4-stroke inline-4 cylinder motorcycle engines only. 1003 cc maximum
displacement, if 600cc can run up to 636 cc. Naturally aspirated
(carbureted or fuel injected). Engine must be electric self-starting by
driver in seat. Clutch must remain in stock configuration. All
transmission gears must remain in stock configuration and be
operational. No quick-shift/power-shift/push button shift mechanisms or
shifting on starts/restarts to gain a competitive advantage allowed.
Such mechanisms that came stock with bike must be removed before racing.
Charging system must remain intact and operational. The following must
remain/adhere to stock specifications for the respective year and model
of Engine: crank, pistons, camshafts, valves, bore, stroke, and
compression. No Porting or Port Modifications to Head is allowed.
Maximum 0.020” milling allowed for head cleanup. Degreeing of cams and
cam gear replacement allowed provided the cam profile meets stock
specifications. Oiling systems may be modified for reliability. Dry
sumps allowed. Oil Pan, pickup, cooler, lines, tanks, and pumps may be
modified or replaced. Oil tanks cannot be mounted to nerf bars and are
recommended to be mounted within the frame rails.
The only Fuel types allowed are pure Methanol, E85, and any unleaded
gasoline with a
maximum Octane rating (R + M /2) of 101. No performance enhancing
additives allowed.
Top end lube allowed. Fuel can be sampled at any time. All fuel cells
must contain a flexible
bladder and be constructed and supported in a manner to avoid rupture or
breakage. The
only not sprint/midget style tank allowed is the RCI-1042C tank. Tail
tank/cover must be
clearly marked on both sides what fuel is being used i.e. “A” for
methanol, “G” for gasoline, or
“E85”. 35 Raceway reserves the right to send fuel samples out for lab
testing if
deemed necessary. If non-conforming, penalty will result in
disqualification and forfeiture of points and money earned and possible
suspension. VP M3 or M5 are not legal.
Fuel Injection:
Only stock throttle bodies and fuel injectio in stock configuration for
corresponding engine allowed. NO aftermarket, Guhl, Engler or EVO or any
other aftermarket systems.
Traction Control:
No Traction Control devices are allowed. 35 Raceway reserves the right
to inspect, test and
impound any electronic or other device on the car. Penalty will result
in disqualification and
forfeiture of points and money earned.
For 2025 this will be an open tire class American Racer or Hoosier tires
can be used, in 2026 we will have a Spec RR tire TBD by end of 25.
Siping, grooving, and grinding the tread surface is permitted. No tire
conditioner is allowed on
any tire at any time. At the discretion of 35 Raceway officials,
durometer measurements may be performed on tires of the Top 4 Feature
Finishers, plus 1 random car. Hardness must comply with mfg specs within
a reasonable tolerance. 35 Raceway reserves the right to take samples
for lab testing. No grinding, removing, altering, or covering the tire
sidewall markings.
Cars will not be allowed to race with a flat RF,
LR, RR, or LF (if off the bead). Penalty for non-conforming
/manipulated tire(s) will result in disqualification per the 35 Raceway
general rules in the book
13” wheels only – steel or aluminum. Outer bead lock required on RR. All
bolts required in
any bead lock. Foam plugs allowed, or wheel covers & must be securely
fastened with a minimum of 3 point dzus fasteners. No electronic
bleeders are allowed.
Must be chain driven and resemble a sprint car – engine forward, driver
middle, fuel tank rear.
Must have sprint-styled tail. Roll bar padding (OPTIONAL) must be of the
high-density (bead-
all) type and must be securely attached. Fuel shut off required at tank
and must be clearly
marked. Kill switch required within drivers reach with arm restraints
on. Drag link tether
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Battery must be tied down or secured. Steering
disconnect mechanism conforming to SFI Specification 42.1 is mandatory -
pin type
mechanisms and plastic pieces in disconnect are not allowed. Minimum of
two throttle return
springs required. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that any critical
suspension or frame bolt,
that has no lock nut, be secured by safety wire. Must be equipped with a
METAL (minimum of
0.032 aluminum) firewall completely separating the engine from the
driver’s compartment.
Driver’s feet must be behind the firewall and engine. Must be equipped
with a METAL
(minimum of 0.050 aluminum) floor pan that extends from the front of the
seat to firewall.
METAL chain guard required (minimum of 0.093 aluminum) and designed in a
manner to
completely shield and protect the driver and fuel tank (if in line with
the chain) from chain. No
mirrors allowed. Windshield rock screen required. The use of lightened,
hollow/drilled out bolts is NOT ALLOWED.
Roll cages must be 1-1/4” OD x 0.095 wall thickness or 1-3/8” OD x 0.083
wall thickness
4130-N tubing, or 1-1/4” x 0.120 wall thickness mild steel tubing.
Framework welding will be
inspected for quality and cracks. Minimum wheelbase of 65”, maximum 74”
measured front
axle center to rear axle center on each side of car wheel. Tread width
40” to 52” center to center.
All cars must have metal front and rear bumpers and nerfs on each side
of the car to start the
night. Nerfs are recommended to attach to the chassis at a minimum of 3
points. Cars must
have a rear bumper to race see diagram,
If rear
bumper comes off of car the car leaves the track!!
At least 1 rear working hydraulic brake required to race. Manual brake
bias adj. allowed.
An operational muffler is required and must meet track requirements,
with a maximum
noise level of 105 DB. It must be attached at the exit of the exhaust
system and securely
fastened to the racecar.
Should a competitor lose a muffler the car
leaves the track!!.
All wings are required to be safely attached. Top wing must remain
attached securely on the
car for the start of the night in the event of an accident and said car
was involved with heavy damage car maybe allowed to compete without
wing/s with approval of 35 Raceway track officials. NO exotic wings or
Top wing – 16 square feet maximum with side panel of maximum 60 inches
long by 30 inches tall.
Nose wing optional, 576 square inch maximum.
Weight Rule:
Minimum weight of car including the driver at the conclusion of the race
is 925lbs unless
running a new generation engine, then it increases to 975lbs. This must
be certified before a
car is cleared through tech and safety inspection. Any bolt on weight or
ballast must be painted white with car number displayed on it. Bolt on
weight must be securely fastened between the bottom frame rails and
axles but mounted no higher than the upper rails (see illustration
New Generation Engine Weight: 975lbs
GSXR1000 = 2017 and newer
R1 = 2015 and newer
ZX10 = 2016 and newer
CBR1000 = 2017 and newer
After scaling, cars to be left in impound area for further tech. No work
can be performed to a car while in impound. Failure to comply with these
rules may result in a DQ. If a car fails to meet the minimum weight
requirement, penalty will result in disqualification and
forfeiture of points and money earned. If a driver fails to report to
the scales, they will be
scored last for that specific on track event.
Cockpit Adjustments:
Only wing adjustments and manual brake bias can be made from the
cockpit. No other
adjustments can be made by driver from the cockpit. Adjustable shocks
are allowed as long
as adjustments cannot be made from inside of car.
Numbers must be on nose both sides of tail and on each side of top wing
legible to the scorers. You will be asked to update your numbers if not
Driver will have their choice of numbers not in use as the class
progresses and may retain it from yr to yr as long as they compete in ¾
of weekly events.
Numbers will be reserved no longer than May 1 of the following year.
No duplicate car numbers. You may reserve a number when you submit your
paid competition license.
All current aluminum seats must be full containment type construction
and adhere to general
specifications of SFI 39.2 seat construction standards. Approved carbon
fiber seats must have
a current SFI 39.2 certification. Upgrading seats with bolt on kits will
be permitted utilizing mfg
produced kit and acceptable bare seat approved by mfg. Seats must be
used as supplied and
installed following mfg instructions with a minimum of (4) grade eight
5/16” bolts.
If the left side surround is 7” or less when measured from the back of
the headrest, then a
side net meeting SFI 37.1 must be installed with quick release latch. A
minimum left side
surround of 4” is required.
Minimum two-inch head clearance between the helmet and line across the
top of the cage
required with driver seated and buckled in. (3 inch+ recommended)
Head and Neck Restraints:
Head restraint system (ex: HANS, Hybrid, or similar device) is required
Seat Belts:
Each car to be equipped with 3inch a 5-point safety restraint system
conforming to SFI 16.1 or SFI 16.5, no older than expiration date. Seat
belt restraint systems shall be installed and used in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions. Seat belt material should not be allowed to
come in contact with any sharp or metal edge, including when the belt
passes through the seat.
Driver’s Suit:
All drivers must wear fire resistant shoes, gloves, and a suit fitted
snugly around the neck,
wrists, and ankles. These items must meet SFI 3.2A for driver suits (SFI
3.2A/5 or better driver suits highly recommended). and SFI 3.3 for
driver accessories and be labeled as such. Nomex (or equivalent) head
sock or helmet skirt, underwear, and socks racing shoes, Minimum
required items head sock or helmet skirt, underwear, and socks, shoes,
arm restraints all are required.
All drivers must wear a full-face helmet with a minimum safety rating of
FIA 8860-2018, Snell
SA/SAH 2015, or Snell SA/SAH 2020.
Driver Communication:
The use of receive only (Raceceiver or equivalent) is mandatory. The use
of 2-way
communication devices is prohibited. Quality ear buds are also
recommended for best
experience – examples shown at the following links:
Shure SE215
Sensaphonics Custom Molds
Ear Everything Custom Molds
Transponders must be mounted at the rear of the car, behind the rear
axle, on the right hand
side of the car near RR down tube, under the torsion tubes,
The 35 Raceway general rules will also be used in conjunction with
these rules