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The following rules are for the Open Wheel Sport Modified division. Interpretation of, or amendment to, these rules may be made at any time in the interest of fair competition. The rules and regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events. They are intended only as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to participants and / or others involved. These rules and regulations do not warrant or guarantee, in any way, the safety or fitness of any race car. This is a dangerous sport. You are risking your life by participating in any fashion. No racing facility, promoters, officials, track representatives, or sponsors will be held responsible or liable for injury or death.
1. All race rules and regulations shall apply at all racing event.              

2. Track officials, the track tech, and or USMPA tech shall have full authority over race cars at any racing events. At the discretion of the officials in charge, any competitor may be disqualified for rules violation, or hazardous equipment, or hazardous actions. Furthermore USMPA and/or track has the right to claim or swap any part for another part at any time for any reason. 
3. All vehicles are subject to inspection by an official at any time.
A. The driver is required to bring the car to the official area in order to be allowed to participate.
B. The driver and track officials are the only ones permitted in the pre-tech / post tech area. Anyone causing trouble in or around the tech areas is subject to ejection from the event.
C. Officials may at their discretion inspect cars in the drivers own pit area.
D. Approval of a participant’s race vehicle; or other equipment by an official inspector shall mean only that the vehicle is approved for participation in a competitive event; and shall not be construed in any way to mean, or imply that the inspected vehicle is guaranteed to be mechanically sound or safe. Be it further known and understood that the racing facility and its officials shall not be held liable for any mechanical failure nor for losses, injuries or death from same. and shall not be construed in any way to mean, or imply that the inspected vehicle has passed tech inspection as post-race tech inspection is the final determination of conforming or non-conforming to the be grounds for disqualification and / or punitive action; including, but not limited to any and / or all or a combination thereof: probation, suspension, fines, loss, of any and / or all points, loss of any and / or all purse / prize money; which shall be determined by the officials. Drivers are responsible for the conduct and actions of their car owners, crew members, agents, etc.
5. Event officials are in charge of inspection for the event. The event official shall have the final ruling at the event. In the event of a problem with an official call it shall be taken up with track personnel or the track promoter.
6. The Sport Modified class is intended to be economical therefore car is only permitted to run in a sport mod class and cannot compete in the Modified class or any other class.
7. Failure to furnish all information regarding and required for I.R.S. purposes to the racing facility or any false information will result in the same penalties provided above.
8.** Absolutely no alcoholic beverages will be consumed by drivers or their pit crews prior to / or during a racing event. The use, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs at any time can be cause for immediate, indefinite suspension.
9. Drivers under 18 years of age must have a signed and notarized parental consent form signed by a parent or legal guardian. Said document shall be in the possession of the racing facility before participation of said individual will be allowed. Track insurance regulations hold precedence in regards to minimum competition age. Racing facilities may require participants to undergo a physical examination before an individual is allowed to compete in a sanctioned event.
10. All drivers must be registered with the racing facility.
11. Any driver that exits their car for any reason except for a fire or instructed by a track official to do so while on the track will be at the mercy of whatever penalty the track wants to enforce.

1. Officials will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike conduct. If a track determines any competitor to be driving rough and / or you have been determined to have crashed another car intentionally you may be disqualified and lose all points for that event.
1. If an official and / or inspector tells a driver that an infraction needs to be fixed on the car, that infraction needs to be fixed.
A. Every track inspector / official will get a list of these drivers and the list could be posted on the official USMPA page.
2. Officials will have the right to conduct a more detailed inspection on any part of the car including the motor at any given time. (Example: (But not limited too) compression, cubic inch, etc.)
1. The driver will be asked to correct the infraction.
2. If the infraction cannot be fixed for that racing event then the driver will be given a simple warning. Given one (1) week to fix the said infractions.  No grace period If infraction is a performance advantage or safety item track official has final say. penalties spelled out in any and all of the following rules has priority. 
3. The driver may be disqualified when found and / or noticed with an infraction.
4. You may choose to leave.

be proud of your accomplishments by beating the best not cheating the rest.

1. All (cash only) buy out or trade claims must go as follows:
A. The driver placing the claim must be on the lead lap.
B. Driver must stop on the front stretch and shut the engine off to make a claim then proceed to the tech area.
C. Anyone refusing the buy out or trade will lose all money and points accumulated for that racing event. 1. Buy-outs are as followed: 2 Barrel Carburetor - $575.00, 4 Barrel Carburetor 775.00, Shocks - $125.00 Per Shock, Tire protest fee is $125. 

1. All cars must weigh 2,500 lbs with the driver after every race the 602 crate 150 lb less (2350 lbs).    The minimum weight of car using the 602 crate engine above with driver at all times including after the race is 2,350 lbs
.(Note: This weight requirement may be adjusted during the season as we work on balancing the engine configurations.). 

 2. Any added weights must be securely mounted to the frame or roll cage with at least two (2) ½ inch steel bolts, nuts, and washers. A. Weights must be painted white and have the car number on it.

 3. Weights must not be used in the driver’s compartment, or outside the body or hood area must be mounted below all windows and the interior sheet metal. 
4. The top five finishing cars, minimum, in each and every race MUST be weighed after each race.
5. Cars which are disqualified from heat races for weight violations of any kind will be put on the tail of a “C” Main or “B” main. If the car count dictates that all cars are in the feature then disqualified cars will start on the tail.


7. Should a car not make weight:
A. The car will be removed from the scales and will circle back around to the scale line for reweighing to verify the weight of the car.
B. Should the car still not make the required weight, then that car will be disqualified from that race and all cars finishing behind that car will be moved up one position.
C. In the case the following should happen then the sixth (6) place car may be asked to return to the scales for post tech.
8. Cars which are disqualified from the feature for weight violations of any kind will forfeit their points and prize money for that race date. 


C. FURTHER ACTION (points) MAY ALSO BE TAKEN and or ejection.

1. Use of any type of “traction control” is absolutely forbidden in any racing event. Any driver caught with traction control will be BARRED for 1 year.
A. For purposes clarity, “traction control” shall refer to any device, controlled by mechanical, electric, and / or computer, either in the car attached to the car, or by a remote means. No data gathering or recording  devices. No cockpit or driver controlled ignition timing or fuel delivery devices.
2. Officials may inspect any car they suspect could be benefiting from the use of “traction control” devices at anytime.
3. Driver / crew of car called to be inspected are expected to cooperate (in a sportsman-like manner) with inspector; and may be required to jack up the car, remove wheels, panels/covers, and install jack stands to make safe the inspection process. Failure to cooperate with the inspection will be considered an indictment of guilt on the competitor’s part, and competition will be found in violation of this rule. No Exceptions. No follow up inspection for this violation.
4. Officials maintain the right to confiscate any part/s they suspect as “traction control” from any car, at any time, for as long as it would be necessary to determine if said part/s is or is not classified as an a non-conforming part “traction control” device. If device is found to be conforming, device will be returned as soon as practical to owner. If part/s are found to be “non- conforming”, part/s are sacrificed to the officials.

1. The rear of the engine, bell housing mounting flange surface, must be mounted at least 72 inches forward from the center line of the rear axle.
2. Engine offset must be kept within two (2) inches of the center line of the front cross member.
3. Minimum engine height is eleven (11) inches from the ground to the front center of the crankshaft.
(9). Engine & engine Components

 There are 2 engine configurations 1. Open engine and 2. 602 crate engine.     OPEN ENGINE

 A. Chevy 350, Ford 302, or 351W, Mopar 340 or 360. * OEM steel bock only. No Performance Blocks, No 400 Blocks Allowed.
B. Maximum cubic inch shall not exceed 390 cubic inch. Will be checked
C. D. No machine work may be done on the outside of any engine, or on the front or rear of the camshaft. Blocks may not be shaved.
D. All engines used in competition must be able to be used in a conventional passenger car without alterations.
E. Engine “cast – in” motor mount locations cannot be removed or altered. Castings and fittings must not be altered.                                                                         

 F. Must be dish or flat top pistons. No gas ported pistons.                                                                                                   

A. Heads must be steel only with stock diameter valve spring. (Example: Chevy 1.260 not 1.625).
B. No beehive or barrel springs.
C. No stud girdles.
D. Must have OEM style stamped steel rockers and may use roller tip and /or full roller rocker stud mount.
E. 7/16” diameter rocker studs maximum.
F. OEM type if factory is 23 degrees valve angle, your heads must be likewise.
G. No porting of any kind. (This is to include gasket matching and bowl blending.)
H. No Canted Valve Heads (Cleveland Type)
I. No spacers between heads and intake.
J. Machining or planning to the internal part of the head casting for deck surface cleaning, angle mill or chamber volume reduction as well as surface work on the intake is acceptable.
A. Hydraulic or flat tappet. (solid)  No roller of any type.
B. Must fire OEM (Example: Chevy 18436572) * No 4 – 7 swap cams.
Intake Manifold, Adapters and Spacers:
A. Any open single plain 4 BBL Intake 
B. No porting or machine matching of any kind. (This dimension includes gaskets.)
C. No velocity tubes on adapters or built into the intake of any kind.
D. NO PORTING of any kind (this includes gasket matching or anything to increase air flow) to be as taken out of the box


Any unaltered Chevrolet GM Performance Parts 602 crate engine will be permitted for competition (602 Crate)

A. Unaltered means unaltered it must conform to the GM published specifications NO Tolerance. NO CHANGES ARE ALLOWED TO ANY PART OF THE 602 CRATE ENGINE. All crate engines must remain stock as they came sealed from the factory. Crate engines must not be altered, modified or changed from factory specs. All tech inspectors will have a copy of the published specs as well as easy finds outside the seals, and other support, so do not cheat it.  

B. Seals all engines are to remain sealed from the factory. The original factory seals must remain unaltered, tampering, removal, modifications of any type and/or broken factory seals will not be permitted, with this exception if it has a RACE 1, Ingram Engines, or Rush seal and supporting documentation from RACE 1, Ingram Engines, or Rush. 

C. Seal tampering if factory seals have been removed or tampered with in any way, and engine is not resealed by those listed in B above, the engine will be considered an open engine and must comply with all open engine rules as outlined in these rules.

D. Reseal and repairs Engine may be rebuilt, refreshed, or resealed only by RACE 1 using their seal system and documentation system, (others may be added) 

E. Any engine purposely tampered with will result in 1st offense: driver will be disqualified for the night and lose all points. you will also be suspended from competition for 4 weeks. 2nd offense engine confiscated and driver suspended for 1yr from date of offense before eligible to participate again, failure to forfit engine will result in indefinite suspension of competition for driver.

Compression: all engines are subject to compression test!
A. 175 lbs. Maximum compression includes 602 (Hot) NO TOLERANCE. Portsmouth cars traveling to other tracks must pass the vacuum test per PRP rules instead of the compression test, cars traveling to PRP to race must pass the compression test. The test it is either a vacuum or compression eng IE: cannot fail vacuum test then say check as a compression engine

compression test procedure

Techs will check compression by having driver pull spark plug. (Tech will pick plug

  Use a Snap on or Mac Compression Gauge. 

Hold carburetor in wide-open position with air cleaner removed. 

Roll engine until needle on gauge stops moving. (per tech)

 Look at gauge and take reading. (Tech)

 Engine must roll at speed capable of starting if car will not crank at speed to tech  compression or cubic inch test it will not pass tech (tech has right to put charger on or jump battery to crank or start, we will not push it to tech it).

3. Carburetor:
A. One (1) stock (4412) 2 barrel Holley 1.375 round venturi, 1.687 base plate must have stock measurements no modification except removal of the choke plate. 602 crate engine may run 4 barrel from approved list below

One (1) four (4) barrel 650 cfm Holley carburetor, Part Number 4777 or 80777 One (1) four (4) barrel 650 cfm Holley HP Carburetor Part Number 80541-1, (-2). One (1) two (2) barrel 500 cfm Holley carburetor Part 4412.

No modifications with the exception of removal of choke plate.

 Straight open hole spacer allowed.(NO Super sucker type spacers allowed.)          Jets, power valve and accelerator pump may be changed. 

Must use stock metering blocks.    

B. There is a $575. (Cash only) buy out on any 2  Barrel $775. on any 4 Barrel carburetor or trade claimer for his.
* Driver must stop on front stretch to make claim then proceed to tech.        Anyone refusing buy out will lose all money and points accumulated for that night. The driver placing a claim must be on the lead lap.
C. Two (2) carburetor throttle return springs are required.
D. Engine must be normally aspirated. No type of fuel injection allowed.
E. If track requires a restrictor you must run restrictor plate provided by the track.  Note: this Optional from track to track

F A straight 1in. thick max open holed spacer allowed, NO Super Sucker type spacers allowed.
G. You may change jets, power valve and accelerator pump only.
H. Must use stock metering blocks.
I. Max thickness between top of intake and bottom of carb with gaskets is 1.25”  (NO Super sucker type spacers allowed.)
J. There is a $575. (Cash only) buy out on any 2  Barrel $775. on any 4 Barrel carburetor or trade claimer for his.
Driver must stop on front stretch and announce to a known track official to make claim then proceed to tech. Anyone refusing buy out will lose all money and points accumulated for that night. Driver placing a claim must be on the lead lap.
K. Two (2) carburetor throttle return springs are required.
L. Engine must be normally aspirated. No type of fuel injection allowed.
 4. Air Cleaner:
A. Only one single round air cleaner. (NO AIR BOXES)
5. Fuel Pumps:
A. OEM style diaphragm pumps only.
B. Must be mounted in Stock location.
C. No electric or belt driven pumps etc.

 6. Ignition:
A. No trigger type and / or crank trigger type: MSD or HEI Distributor (OEM) only  permitted. **ALL ENGINES must run a MSD 6500 rpm rev limiter

B APPROVED Ignition boxes MSD 6425, MSD64253, MSD 6420, MSD6430, MSD 6427,  Engines Utilizing HEI must run rev control MSD8727CT. NO OTHER INGNITION SYSTEM MAY BE USED.

C All rev controllers (limiters) must be out of reach of the driver and sealed in place with clear sealant on both a chip or dial knobs

rpm limiter will be checked for any infraction or manipulation of these ignition rules includes but not limited to missing sealant busted/cracked sealant rev limit higher than 6500 RPM 

 ** Track may exchange any Ingnition box they believe to be altered tampered with or non-conforming with same model, if in fact box is non-conforming to the rules 1st offense: of driver exceeding 6500 RPM will be disqualified for the night and lose all points. driver will also be suspended from competition for 4 weeks. 2nd offense suspended for 1yr from date of offense before eligible to participate again. 

7. Oil Pump:
A. Must be wet sump only (in the pan). * No External oil pump of any kind.
8. Oil Pan:

A. Must be steel only. (NO Exceptions).
9. Evacuation Pump or System:
A. NO evacuation pump of any kind on the engine.
10. Cooling System:
A. Cooling system may be modified.
B. Radiator and oil cooler must not protrude above interior.

C. No electric water pumps or cooling fans allowed.
D. No Sprinkler systems.
E. Any overflow tubes are to be directed to the ground, between the frame rails.
11. Starter:
A. At beginning or night all cars must have the capability of starting without being pushed or pulled.
B. Starter must bolt to engine in factory location and working.
C. must be stock type 12V, cannot have a resister anywhere on car to reduce starter voltage. Starter must start the car and be the only one on the car.
1. Drive shaft can be made of steel or carbon fiber. A. Steel drive shafts must be painted white.
2. Drive shaft loop is required. Loops must be constructed of 1/4” X 2” steel. A. Tubular loop may be used but must be made of minimum 1” diameter tubing.
3. Loops must be mounted no less than two (2) inches and no more than six (6) inches from the rear of the front universal joint of the drive shaft.
2. Transmission / Bell Housing / Clutch
1. 3, or 4 speed manual, and automatic types are allowed. Aftermarket racing transmissions are allowed as recognized by track officials. . Bert, Brinn, Falcon, etc
2. No “IN and OUT” boxes will be allowed.                                                                 
 3. With motor running and car in a still position, driver must be able to engage car and move forward, then stop and engage car and move backwards.
A. All Transmissions Must have forward and reverse working
4. No type of quick change transmissions permitted.
5. Only OEM or Aftermarket steel bell-housings are permitted. Cars running a full size clutch must run explosion proof bell housing

1. Front suspension and steering components must be O.E.M. as specified and be in stock location, and must be replaceable by stock part from same type suspension. Stock passenger car spindles or (3) three piece spindle
allowed. No fabricated spindles. Aftermarket tube type lower control arms may be used. O.E.M. stock lower control arms cannot be altered or moved, (exception: may weld shock mount on lower control arm). Steel bushings in lower control arms are acceptable. All front suspensions must comply with the 78 inch maximum track width.
2. All cars are required to have a collapsible steering shaft unless you have a steering shaft with knuckles or joints that will break off.
3. Tube type upper control arms are allowed and can be moved. Cross bar upper control arm may be aluminum.
4. No center steering. In cockpit steering may be modified to drivers taste, but must remain on the left side of the car.
5. No rack and pinion steering. Steering box must be O.E.M. Steering box must remain within original bolt pattern of frame used.
6. O.E.M. Tie rod ends and adjustment sleeves may be replaced by a minimum .625inch (5/8”) rod end (heim joint) and steel tubes. Stock OEM drag links only. *All cars must have a stock OEM drag link with no alterations.
7. No aluminum, fiberglass, or composite suspension, steering, or rear end parts allowed, except where noted in these rules.
8. No aluminum hubs allowed.
9. Front hub and Rotor assembly must be one piece steel O.E.M.

1. Any coil spring on a car must be minimum 4 ½ inches outside diameter. Coil springs must be steel. Leaf springs may
be steel or composite type.
A. Lowering blocks, rear spring shackles, and rear end drive bars may be steel or aluminum only.
B. No torsion bars allowed in the rear.

2. No hydraulic, ratchet, or electric weight jacking devises allowed anywhere in or on the car.
3. One shock per wheel only Total of 4 allowed (“Dummy” shock absorbers are still considered to be a shock).  

4. One (and only one) coil spring or leaf spring per wheel must be used. Exception is Cars with single leaf on each side for locating rear end may used a single coil over on each side, all Coil springs must be manufactured from magnetic steel. Rear leaf springs (if used) may be either magnetic steel or an approved composite material. All coil springs must be a minimum of 5 (five) inches in diameter.
A. Coil springs must be wound with all coils being the same outside diameter, inside diameter from the top to the bottom of the spring.
B. The coil spring wire diameter must be the same from the top to the bottom of the spring.
C. Coil spacing must be equal.
D. Round coil spring wire must be used.
E. Coil springs with linear spring rates are the only coil springs permitted.
F. Air springs are not permitted.
1. The top of the front coil spring must be closed end and ground flat.
2. The upper front coil spring mount must be flat and support the top of the spring 360 degrees.
3. The lower end of the front coil spring must be an open end with a maximum gap of ¼ inch between the “tail” of the spring and the next coil.
4. The lower front coil spring mount may have a single step to prevent spring rotation and accommodate the open end of the spring.
A. The step of the lower front coil spring mount must not exceed one (1) inch in height.
B. The lower coil spring mount must be a welded integral component of the lower control arm.
C. When installed the lower end of the front coil spring must be supported 360 degrees.
5. The top and bottom of the rear coil spring must be closed end and ground flat.
6. The upper and lower rear coil spring mounts must support the spring for 360 degrees.
5. One (1) (and only one (1)) coil or leaf spring per wheel is permitted.
A. Actual spring has to stay in contact in lower control arm insert or perch at 360 degrees.
B. Spring must fit flat on the lower control arm at all times at 360 degrees.
C. No ramp and or spring locator welded in lower control arm, and should not exceed one (1) inch.
D. No adjustable Helix.

(13). SHOCKS **
1. Steel Crimped/Spun tube top and bottom, non-adjustable, non-rebuild able, with a $125.00 buyout, this maybe adjusted up during year for inflation. Must have a fixed bearing and can have a removable heim joint. No Schrader valves or remote reservoir shocks of any kind. No gas shocks of any kind. Oil filled only. No Bump Stops. 
Some approved shocks include: * If you do have other shocks they must be approved by track tech through USMPA.  AFCO-1400 series, 1200 series
Integra-4200 series P/N 310-421XX  Pro Shocks- WB Series P/N WBXX                      

 ** NO ALTERING OF SHOCKS  Track may exchange any shock they believe to be altered tampered with or non-conforming if in fact shock is non-conforming to the rules driver will be suspended 1st time for 2 weeks / 2nd time 1yr of competition from all tracks. 

  One and only 1  shock per wheel only (“dummy” shock absorbers are still considered to be a shock). max 4 shocks anywhere on car

1. Any passenger car type or truck type rear ends are allowed.                               
 2. Steel-tube quick change rear ends are allowed. Quick changes are optional, but not mandatory. * Steel axle tubes ONLY.
3. No aluminum birdcages
4. NO split Birdcages. No calipers mounted to Birdcages 

5. Birdcages may consist of multiple barrels but must bolt or weld together to work as one (1) single barrel cage. * Limit to one (1) birdcage per side.
6. Shock(s) and radius rods must mount to the birdcage.
7. Floating pivoting and / or rotating mounts and / or brackets of any sort are not allowed. All brackets or mounts attached to the birdcage must be bolted or welded solid.
8. No wide five hubs.
9. Two (2) bars per side of rear end.
A. Total of two (2) bars per side. 
B. No springs on / or in bars.
10. No aluminum components allowed except: axle caps, drive plates, pinion plate, and wheel spacers.
11. One (1) piece steel J-Bar. Must be a steel J-Bar. No springs on J-Bar.
12. Pull Bars &/or lift Bars must consist of a solid bar...no springs, no shocks or rubbers. Chassis / frame or any other mounts that allow pinion angle change are not allowed.

(15). BRAKES
1. Must have a working caliper and rotor on each wheel and must lock up all four (4) wheels. All calipers solid mounted on axle tube (no brake floaters).
2. O.E.M. style calipers or stock replacement cast iron or aluminum only.
Carbon fiber, aluminum, and solid disc rotors will not be permitted (must be vented). Drilling, lightening and/or any alteration to the brake rotors or calipers will not be permitted. Brake rotors of excessive size or weight when compared to an O.E.M. brake rotor will not be permitted.
3. Calipers must remain stock, GM slide pin mounting in original position
A. Tech will measure minimum of 5.5” on center for mount bolts.
B. Cast iron vented brake rotors only. *May not be modified; I.e....scalloped, etc.
C. Front rotors may be re drilled for different bolt pattern and / or larger studs.   D. Hubs, rotors, & calipers must maintain minimum OEM dimensions (no lighting)                            

1.The only tires approved for competition are the Hoosier: M-30S and M-60 with optional G60 Hoosiers which can be used anywhere on the car, the G60 tire will be the only allowed tire in 2024 and you can run them this year as an option so use 2023 for a burn off period for the M-30S and M-60 tires. must run on right rear at all times M-60 or G60 Hoosier   compound tire, 26.5/8.0/15 or 27.5/8.0/15. The maximum width of the tire will be 9” inches.
2. Grooving is allowed for 2023.
3. Siping will be allowed.  
4. Must run the same 4 tires during the entire racing event, Optional from track to track They will be checked and marked during inspection.
5. If the car has a flat, the track tech must approve the replacement tire and mark it accordingly. * The replacement tire must be the same make and compound of the tire being replaced.

6. **No tire softeners, no conditioners, no altering of tires with any natural or unnatural, no hazardous or non-hazardous compounds or chemicals which alter the factory set baseline settings of a given tire.
7. If a protest is requested on a tire: Tire protest fee is $125 (CASH ONLY) per tire to cover any lab fees.
A. The samples will then be sent to the lab. If the lab determines that the tire has been altered from its original composition (non-conforming), the racer forfeits the event purse and points, Should the tire be determined to be conforming and within original factory composition the driver in question will be awarded his purse and points from event in question. Lab results are final.
B. If the driver refuses a protest on a tire then he will automatically forfeit all points and purse money for that racing event.

**If caught chemically altering ANY tires the following will apply**
* 1st offense: any driver with any treated tires will be disqualified for the night and lose all points. you will also be suspended from competition for 4 weeks.     2nd offense suspended for 1yr from date of offense driver will have to pay each time for tire test and $250 fine before eligible to participate again.

2. Wheels
1. Eight (8) inch steel wheels only.
A. one (1) inch tolerance for bead locks.
2. Bead locking devices allowed on the right side wheels only.
3. Mud plugs allowed on all wheels. Any mud plug other than foam must be securely mounted to the wheel. Track officials will determine if the mud plug is securely mounted. If using a cover we recommend using plastic covers.

1. Racing fuel cells are required and must be mounted by at least two (2) steel straps, no less than two (2) inches wide X 1/8 inch thick, and all the way around the cell. Using a minimum of two (2) bars around the top, bottom, and sides of the fuel cell.
2. All fuel cells must be mounted securely to the frame.
3. Fuel cells must be enclosed completely in a steel container, mounted behind the rear axle only, and must be protected in the rear by the roll cage tubing mounted securely to the frame or rear bumper.
4. No part of the fuel cell should be lower than the protective tubing.
5. Protective tubing should extend no wider than six (6) on both sides of the fuel cell.
6. Fuel cells must have check valves, and bladders are highly recommended.
7. Fuel cells are limited to 32 gallon maximum capacity.

8. Fuel cells with the fuel pickup located in the top of cell are mandatory. * Bottom feed pickups are not permitted.
9. Retrofitting a bottom feed cell will be permissible, but the bottom feed opening must be plugged and sheet metal covered. * A cap on the exposed bottom fitting will not be acceptable for plugging.  

1. Bumpers must be used on both, the front and rear of car. Bumpers and nerf bars must be steel.
A. Front bumper must be mounted to both frame horns.
B. Front bumper may be no wider than the frame horns, with two (2) inch tolerance only, to accommodate bumper mounting bracket per side.
2. Rear bumpers and side nerf bars may not extend beyond the width of the rear tires, and must not contain any sharp edges.
3. There shall be no rough edges on any bar or bumper on the car.
4. No straight rear bumpers allowed.
A. The ends of the rear bumper must be bent to form 180 degree bend, or be bent forward in a 90 degree bend.
B. Rear bumper must mount to rear of chassis.
C. Rear bumper may be constructed of round or square tubing, and must protect the fuel cell.

5. Both front and rear bumpers shall be eighteen (18) inches plus or minus two (2) inches from the ground. This measurement is to the “center” of the bumper. This means if your bumper is constructed with its two (2) bars, upper and lower, twelve (12) inches apart, then the center of your bumper is six (6) inches from either the top or bottom. This is where the measurement is taken, at the “center” not the top or the bottom.
6. A bumper which is badly damaged may be required to be repaired or replaced before the car is allowed to compete.

1. Helmets are required and must meet a minimum standard rating of Snell SA2015 or SA2010. If no sticker is present track officials must and will assume the helmet does not meet the required standards and the helmet will not be allowed. Helmet must accompany the race vehicle at time of inspection.
2. Fire Suits
1. SFI 3.2A/5 minimum rating approved full fire suits of a flame retardant material must be worn by all competitors at all times. Two (2) piece fire suits are allowed.
2. Fire suit must be in good operable condition.
3. Fire suits with holes in the suit, liquid oil/grease stains and / or do not fit properly are unsafe and Tech officials may determine the suit is not suitable for race competition.
4. Fire retardant gloves required, shoes are highly recommended.

3. Fire Suppression
1. Fire suppressant system is highly recommended. We Recommend
A. Cylinders mounted forward of the fuel cell.
B. Cylinders securely mounted to the frame/roll cage assembly.

 C. The certification label unobstructed and easily accessible for inspection when the mounting is complete.
D. The cylinder connected to the nozzles with steel or steel reinforced lines.
E. One (1) nozzle located directly above the fuel cell in the fuel cell area and the second nozzle must be located in the driver cockpit area.
F. You may have a 5lb. or 10lb. system.
G. Must be DOT / SFI approved. NO TOLERANCE. Fire systems are good till manufacture specs.
4. If no fire suppressant system then a minimum 2lb Fire Extinguisher will be mandatory.
5. Fire Extinguishers must be securely mounted and accessible.

6. Belts
1. Competition type seat belts are required. Lap Belts, Shoulder Belts, and Submarine Belts are required. *No factory type oem car seat belts may be used.
2. Metal to metal buckles required on shoulder and seat belts.
3. All belts must be dated no more than three (3) years old.
A. If not dated, officials must and will assume the date has expired and they will not be allowed.
B. The ONLY recognized date will be the manufactured date as stamped on the seat belt manufacturers tag.
C. The sales receipt will NOT be recognized. Example: If a car is inspected in May of 2022, the seat belts can be dated no earlier than May 2019.
D. Driver will be given one (1) warning to get belts replaced before the next racing event. The second warning-the belts MUST be replaced before the car will be allowed to participate in any further competition activities.
E. Damaged belts will be required to be replaced regardless of the date tag on the belts.

7. Window Nets
1. Window nets are highly recommended, and Required for drivers under 18 yrs old.

8. Neck Restraint Devices
1. Neck Braces are mandatory unless a Hans Style restraint system is being used.

9. Rock Guards
1. Rock guards shall end at the point perpendicular to the steering wheel.

1. No type of radio communications are permitted except for Raceivers.

(21). Kill Switch / Battery
1. A kill switch is required.
2. Switch must be clearly marked and located within easy reach of the driver, and safety crews must be able to reach the switch when standing outside the car.
3. All cars must have a battery and be self-starting.
4. Battery must be securely mounted.
5. Battery cannot be mounted inside the drivers’ compartment.
6. Only one (1) American passenger car 12 volt battery, no resister to slow crank
   (22). Exhaust
1. Duel exhaust only.
A. No “Y” pipes or 180 headers.
B. Try “Y” headers are not acceptable.
2. Aftermarket headers are permitted.
3. No Oxygen sensors allowed.
4. Exhaust systems must be mounted in such a way as to direct spent gases away from the cockpit of vehicle, and away from areas of possible fuel spillage.
5. Exhaust system(s) must remain completely below the interior deck of the car.
6. The entire exhaust system (including the exhaust pipe and /or header exits) must be inside all parts of the body and outlets are to be no higher than the mid line of the body sides. The only breach of any interior or exterior body
panel that will be permitted is for the routing the left side header or exhaust pipe on the left side of the car.
7. When routing the left side header or exhaust pipe through the left side firewall a maximum of ½ inch clearance around the header or exhaust pipe will be permitted.
8. Track officials may require turn downs on the collectors.
9. Mufflers are recommend, and may be required at some tracks.


1. Car number must appear on both sides of the car and the roof, a minimum of eighteen (18) inches tall and nine (9) inches wide, per number
2. The number must also appear on the nose and fuel cell of the car a minimum of six (6) inches tall.
A. Number must be a contrasting color to the car.  

(24). Fuel
A. Gasoline only. * NO ALCOHOL
B. Only pump gas is allowed includes race gas & E85.
C. No Nitrous Oxide
D. No additives of any kind.
(25). No rear spoiler allowed.

(26). Misc Must run the official decal of USMPA on upper front of both doors supplied with USMPA license.  

(27). Body UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THESE RULES CHASSIS & BODIES will follow current published UMP rules. https://dirtcar.com/rules/dirtcar-modifieds/