35 Raceway 2025 Super Dirt Truck Rules
General Information
The following
specifications have been prepared by 35 Raceway Park as guide lines for
the construction of the Dirt Truck Division. No warranty or safety is
expressed or implied as a result of this publication of rules. These
rules are intended as a guide and are in no way guarantee against injury
or death to participants, spectators, or others. Anything not covered by
these specifications should be approved by the track officials and
placed in writing. Continuous developments in auto racing and technology
may mandate changes in these specifications. However, it is our intent
to enforce and police these rules throughout the season,
This division was developed
for the fun of racing in a low cost fashion. This requires limits in
various areas to keep competition equal and fair for all participants.
In order to accomplish this, if it doesn't say you can, don't! With help
and consideration of the participants, this can be accomplished. Try to
live within spirit of the rules. If you have any questions, please
contact track officials before you are found Non-conforming (illegal),
weekly participants competing for Championship points at 35 RP must
conform to all 35 RP truck rules.
Eligibility: The only
trucks to be used will be Chevy S-10, GMC S-15, Chevy Colorado, Ford
Ranger, and Dodge Dakota. all trucks must follow all safety rules.
Engines: Any 4 cylinder,
V6 with factory steel block steel or aluminum
head with no less than 23 degree
valve angle, both open engine rules, The GM 350 block must
adhere to the following rules as written, V-8 GM 350 block max 364 cubic
inch No aluminum heads or blocks.
Engine may be used in any truck. (For example a Chevy in a Ford
truck) All engines used in competition must be able to be used in a
conventional passenger car without alterations. Engine setback, #1 spark
plug will be no farther back than the center of ball joint. Max 175lb
compression as checked after race.
Pistons dish or flat top pistons. No gas ported pistons only.
Camshaft max lift .450 hydraulic non roller lifters, Must have
OEM style stamped steel rockers or may steel or Aluminum use roller tip
and /or full roller rocker must be stud mount. 7/16” max diameter rocker
Head must be steel only
with stock diameter valve single coil valve spring. (Example: Chevy
1.260). No
beehive or barrel springs.
No stud girdles. no porting or polishing (This is to include gasket
matching and bowl blending.), no beehive springs, No spacers between
heads and intake. All
the engine rule packages will be closely monitored any engine package
that is deemed to have a clear performance advantage will be subject to
pre 2015, 4.8 or 5.3 LS GM Steel Block STOCK, aluminum head, Production
Engine is allowed with the following rules.
1 there is absolutely no clean-up this is a stock bore stroke economy
engine package engine should cost no more than $600 or less at a salvage
2 There is an engine claim for anyone running a LS therefore claiming
driver must be running an LS engine, claimed driver may at his sole
discretion take $250 and the claiming drivers Long Block. The outright
claim is for $750 for bare long block (block and
heads) with cam crank sensor, NO oil pan
intake, headers, water pump, ignition or wiring. Failing either
to be claimed or exchanged you are out for next 4 events, track has
right to claim or exchange at its sole discretion.
3 Must have year and size of LS engine you are
using during tech or be DQed. No Swapping of heads blocks
camshafts from one LS to other LS all casting numbers must be legible
not tampered with on all components all components must be same size and
configuration as it came from GM, if we cannot read them you will be
DQ,d (cam must be proper lift for the casting number) NO SWAPPING NO
Carburetor: Only 1 Holley
4412-2 barrel carburetor allowed. Must pass a Holley No-Go gauge, stock
4412 metering blocks NO multi port metering
blocks. Choke plate may be removed. No Dominator, Predator, or
Weber style. Gas only max 110, NO E85, No
additives of any type allowed.
Adapter plates are allowed, Any intake allowed. See appearance
rules for air cleaner hood cut.
Exhaust: Headers are
allowed. Exhaust may not protrude past side sheet metal.
Cooling: Radiators must be in front of engine. Shroud must cover
upper 180 degrees of the fan. Shroud must be metal and completely cover
fan. Electric fan is allowed. No oil coolers allowed in driver’s
Ignition: No trigger type
and / or crank trigger type: MSD or HEI Distributor (OEM) only is
permitted. **ALL V8 ENGINES must
run a MSD 6200 rpm rev limiter, The only
allowed box for the LS engine is the MSD6014CT other engines can use
Ignition boxes MSD 6425, MSD64253, MSD 6420, MSD6430, MSD 6427,
Engines Utilizing HEI must run rev control MSD8727CT. NO OTHER INGNITION
All rev controllers
(limiters) must be out of reach of the driver and sealed in place with
clear sealant on both a chip or dial knobs rpm limiter will be checked
for any infraction or manipulation of these ignition rules includes but
not limited to missing sealant busted/cracked sealant rev limit higher
than 6200 RPM ** Track may exchange any Ignition box they believe to be
altered tampered with or non-conforming with same model, if in fact box
is non-conforming to the rules 1st offense: any driver exceeding 6200
RPM will be disqualified for the night and lose all points. you will
also be suspended from competition for 4 weeks. 2nd offense suspended
for 1yr from date of offense before eligible to participate again.
Transmission: Any type
transmission is allowed if using a stock clutch & flywheel must use full
Steel Racing Blow proof Safety Bellhousing. Front pump drives ok. Bert
or Brinn type transmissions are allowed. No quick change transmissions.
MUST look factory Stock, No extended cab bodies on a regular cab frame.
We allow 4 inch set back from stock will measure for cab set back from
lower left cab corner to center of axle, a stock S-10 with round body is
36 inchs this is the shortest truck we know of, so there is a minimum
measurement of 32 inchs. Bed must retain factory rake; meaning that it
can't be raised up in the rear; factory body lines must stay factory.
(Still must look like a truck at the end of the day)
Must maintain
sheet metal (aluminum or steel) or plastic composite sheeting for
bodies. Inner panels may be
removed. Door window opening must remain stock size.
No hood scoops of any kind. This includes any factory options or
level-up vehicles. Hood can be cut to allow for air cleaner if air
cleaner sticks above hood it must have a shield around front half to the
height of air cleaner. Hood crown must remain factory stock. No raised
hoods of any kind! Stock bumpers may be reinforced. No visible crash
bars, front or rear.
Front bumper: Racing rubber / plastic or Stock truck nose is
allowed. Rear bumper: Rubber or plastic tail piece will be allowed.
Wheel opening flanges must be turned inboard.
Stock appearing rocker panels, (size & location). No body-side
skirts below rockers. No rear skirts. This measurement from the top of
box to bottom of rocker must be no longer than 32 inches. Interior can
have boxed in cockpit regardless of
All trucks must be neatly painted and lettered. The truck must
have a number of no less than 18 inches on each door and roof.
Badly damaged trucks will have to be repaired. Any sharp edges
must be repaired or made smooth.
Windshield visor is allowed. Can be no more than 6 inches in
width, and it must be mounted at the extreme top of the windshield
opening. This will be measured at the middle of the windshield down.
No body panels can have hinges to allow air to escape.
No Sail panels on the rear down tube bars allowed.
Bowing of the body to cover the tires is allowed. You cannot
alter the top of the cab to achieve this.
You can run a factory hard plastic grill. Any aftermarket grill,
aftermarket rubber nose, or make one out of aluminum.
Spoilers: Spoilers must be
mounted to rear of the bed, Blade must be flat a maximum of 8 inches
tall. No wicker bill allowed any spoiler angle is ok, may not extend
past sides of the bed.
Spoiler sideboards will be
no larger than 100 sq. inches. Only 3 supports will be allowed.
Stock truck frames must be used (NO CRS
trucks allowed!), Frames must remain stock width. Frame supports
may be added. (Square tubing, Plating of the frame)
Frame lighting holes NOT allowed.
Frame rails must remain stock front to rear
(may repair from center of rear axle back no
larger than 095 thick 2x4
rectangular tubing).
Lowering of engine is allowed may not remove the lower portion of
factory cross member. Frame must be plated in if material is removed.
Notching frame to lower seat is ok. However must keep bottom 2
inches of factory frame rail and must have square tubing put in this
area to support Frame.
Roll cages will be 6 point design with 1 1/2 inch minimum diameter with
.095 wall tubing with a minimum of 3 bars in each door drivers side 3/16
thick min solid girth plate required top cage bar to bottom full side of
cage. Each door bar must be of single piece construction. Cage set back
is determined by cab setback: Please see description in
appearance. Saddled tubing joints recommended. If not, gussets are
required. Roll cage
offset is allowed on right hand side only.
Weight All V8
trucks will have a minimum weight of 2800 lbs. V6 & 4 Cylinder trucks
2600 lbs, All added
weights must be painted
white with truck number and securely fastened. If a lot of weight must
be added to achieve this weight it must be added to inside the 4 wheels.
We understand weight percentages want to be achieved but adding 600 lbs
to the left rear on top of what you have already just isn't safe. If
your weights come off you are done for the night.
The following wheel bases
will be used:
Chevy S-10/GMC S-15
Colorado 1st gen 03-12 Dodge Dakota
Ford Ranger
Short Bed
112” 108”
Long Bed
124” 114”
Ext. Cab
131” 125”
Truck wheel base can be no
shorter than 108" for only the standard cab short bed trucks. This rule
doesn't apply to long bed or extended cab trucks; they will be shorter
than factory when aftermarket leaf springs get added by roughly 4
inches. Factory front mounting location must be used and cannot be
altered from factory stock location.
Suspension, Springs, and
Shocks: Front: Racing coil springs may be used with a minimum of 3 inch
diameter - front only. Coil overs are allowed on the front end only. You
can the 5 inch springs if you choose.
Shocks can be mounted thru upper A arm, frame can be notched for
shock clearance but must be plated (boxed back in) or shock can be
mounted on outside of A arm. Weight jack bolts will be allowed on front
coils only. All A-arms must use factory frame
location and factory mounts. Upper A-arms may be stock or tubular, upper
A-arms may be notched for weight jack bolts. Upper A-arms must have a
connected cross shaft. Lower A-arms must
be factory they may have a maximum extension of 2 inches. Extension must
be straight out. Lower A-arms must be mounted in factory mount. Any
factory spindle may be used. No aftermarket or tubular spindles may be
used. No wide 5 hubs. Rear leaf springs must remain in stock locations,
using factory front mount. Rear sliders or shackles are allowed.
Shackles must be mounted in factory location. If rear sliders are used
they may be placed within 6 inches of factory spring mount. Rear spring
cannot mount any higher than bottom of the frame. Aftermarket rear leafs
are allowed. No rear coils.
Solid, pull bar, lift bar only
no spring, shock, or biscuits, of
any type. No four link or Z link type suspensions allowed.
Only steel, smooth body, non-adjustable shocks
will be permitted. No Schrader valve, must have flush plug style, no
universal fill ports, bulb, screw off top (top is opposite from rod
end), bump stop, or remote reservoir allowed. Removable heim joints is
allowed rebuildable allowed (from shaft side). NO BUMP STOPS. coil over
shocks only on the front of the truck will be permitted No coil overs
allowed on rear corners of the truck..
Shock Claim: Any driver finishing on the
lead lap of a feature, may claim any one (1) shock from any of the top
three trucks. Claims are $200 and are for 1 shock only (as it comes from
the manufacturer). Or if claimed driver wants to exchange claiming
drivers shock he will get $125 plus the claiming driver’s shock this is
totally up to the claimed driver.
A driver wanting to make a claim must
make the claim to a speedway tech official with cash in hand,
immediately after the feature event and his shock at location he is
claiming must be operational on his car at time of claim
Only the drivers can make a claim or
If the claim is accepted, the driver will
remove the shock. However, any shock involved must only be removed in
the presence of a track official. Claimed driver may take claimers shock
in exchange plus $125.
A driver refusing to allow a claim is
disqualified for that event and same for driver claiming refusing
exchange once money is handed to official, the claim will proceed.
NO ALTERING OF SHOCKS Track may exchange
any shock they believe to be altered tampered with or non-conforming if
in fact shock is non-conforming to the rules driver will be suspended
1st time for 2 weeks / 2nd time 1yr of competition from all tracks. One
and only 1 shock per wheel only (“dummy” shock absorbers are still
considered to be a shock). max 4 shocks anywhere on truck.
Must use power steering, Steering must
remain stock to frame. Aluminum tie rods are allowed.
A minimum of 2 universal joints in steering shaft. Steering
quickener may be used. Any brand truck can install a rack and pinion if
you so choose
Rear End: ANY factory
solid rear end allowed Rear end may be locked. Floater rear end may be
used. quick change rear ends allowed. No aluminum. No wide 5 hubs.
Maximum rear track width of 74 inches as measured from outside
sidewall of left rear tire to outside sidewall of right rear tire.
Transponder is it to be mounted to right side axle tube
on bottom. Track officials must be able
to get to it to change out if needed. Rear end must mount to spring pin
location. Must have (2) U-bolts, or (4) grade 8 bolts, on each side
holding rear end to the springs. Rear end can be fully floated if you so
choose. Drive shaft must be painted white.
Brakes: Must have 4 wheel
working brakes, Dual master cylinder/ pedal assembly with brake adjuster
may be used. Disk brakes on rear end are allowed. Aluminum calipers are
allowed on the rear end only!
Wheel and Tires: Any 8
inch by 15 inch racing type steel wheel is allowed. No aluminum wheels.
Bead locks are allowed. Any brand 8 inch racing or street tire is
allowed. Wheels must pass a Go/No Go gauge. A little leniency will be
allowed due to different manufactures of bead locks. No tire bleeders
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